Standing Rock

Íŋyaŋ Bosdáta éd taŋyáŋ yahí!
Jimmy Emerson, DVM
Mentions in the recordings
Íŋyaŋ Bosdáta oyáte kiŋ makhóčhe odótapi kiŋ úŋ khošká záptaŋ Tȟuŋkášina-ta yápi kta kʼa úŋ sáŋpha wóakhiniče kʼa iápi óta kta načhéča. Five young men from Standing Rock are going to Washington in regard to these land leasing affairs, and there will probably be much debating and dispute in regard to it.
in -
Íŋyaŋ Bosdáta kiŋ iȟéyata makȟá iyútȟapi 50 pté óta kéyapi, é toháŋn wakpámnipi taŋyáŋ yuštáŋpi kiŋháŋ tóna okíhipi kiŋ hená wanáse áye kta kéyapi dó. There are a lot of buffalo fifty miles out from Standing Rock, so once distributions have been finished, they say those who are able will be going on a buffalo hunt.