Carlo Gentile

Mentions in the recordings

  • Dé ohákam íyečhadaŋ C. Gentile wičhíte owá ománi héčha. Soon after, there was a traveling photographer called C. Gentile.

  • Heháŋn Gentile hokšíyopa kiŋ ičú kʼa Florence othúŋwe én aí kʼa Nov. 26 hé ičhúŋhaŋ Sápauŋ wóšna káǧa waŋ mniákaštaŋ, wičháčhaže uŋ ohákam okhíthaŋiŋyaŋ úŋ kiŋ hée. Gentile took him to the village of Florence, where he had the child baptized by a priest, November 26, under the name he bore thereafter.

  • Gentile, hokšídaŋ kiŋ kičhí Phoenix hé eháŋ othúŋwe thoká ičháǧe héčhiya ípi. With Gentile, the boy then traveled to the new town of Phoenix.

  • Tóhaŋ Carlos waníyetu akéwaŋži hé ičhúŋhaŋ Gentile New York én ȟtaní yé kʼuŋ khún iyáyeičʼiye. When Carlos was eleven years old, Gentile failed in business in New York City.