Charles Alexander Eastman

Contributed to

  • Oúŋ Eháŋna (1912)
    A summary of a Southern Workman article by Ohíyes’a, in which he describes, first-hand, the precolonial lifestyle still led by northern Ojibwes. He focuses mostly on canoe building and the harvesting of wild-rice and other foods.

Mentions in the recordings

  • Wóyakapi kiŋ dé Dr. Charles Eastman, Ohíye Sʼa, Canada ektá Ȟaȟáthuŋwaŋ oyáte dé óm aŋpétu waŋžígži úŋ, kʼa hená oyáke. This account was told by Dr. Charles Eastman, Ohíyes’a, who stayed a number of days among the Ojibwe people in Canada.