Robert High Eagle

Voice of

  • Mother's Song (1929)
    A song sung by Sitting Bull to his mother, as remembered by One Bull.

Contributed to

  • John Grass's Speech in Detroit (1904)
    In this speech, Grass recalls how his grandfather, an old chief, received one of first white men. He also lays into the Agents for failing their schools, and states the purpose of his tour is to challenge stereotypes perpetrated by the Wild West Shows.

  • Song about the thunder bird nation (1911)
    A man was hunting deer when he fell into a dream, where he came upon thunder birds pursuing a wolf. He joined them, and was told to make a charge. For this he received their protection, as well as the name Charging Thunder. This is his song.

  • Yáu Šni (A Love Song) (1911)
    A song from the wiówešte genre (a love song where the male singer recalls the words of a woman). “If you are truthful, come…”

Mentions in the recordings

  • Lé mitȟáhokšila kiŋ waŋží, (High Eagle épazo) na hé waŋná iéskawečiye.